I woke up this morning to find that the BikeLemming has made the Featured blog over at Bike Blog Collection, not as cool as being mentioned by Stevil over at How to Avoid the Bummer Life, but still cool. At first I was ecstatic, almost the euphoria one might feel after completing a double century. As I started to investigate, I realized that I didn't make the Featured blog necessarily because the BikeLemming is a worthy piece of reading material, but instead because apparently this blog has returned the most "hits" back to Bike Blog Collection.
Having that realization felt like after I celebrated my completion of the double century, I went out to load the bike on to the car and was alarmed to find out that it was a recumbent. Not only that, but it had one of those plexiglass aerodynamic windscreens on it, and I was wearing a Get 'bent!, Ride a recumbent! t-shirt.
But still, I have to say it's cool that the BikeLemming is up there on the Featured Blog. I also see that a person can write a guest blog to go on the front page of that site, maybe I'll submit one of my old blogs. That's where I have to ask the advice of my two or three readers, what has been your favorite BikeLemming blog since it's been started?
I am still laughing about the SAAB and Y-foil crew (tri-geeks) getting upset with you.
The web for voicing our opinions.. keep em coming and the controversy will follow.
I vote for the one that wasn't offensive. You know- the one that made me feel better about myself.
Oh, wait... That was ALL OF THEM.
The Y-Foil posts were good, I'll consider those.
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