Why ten thousand spoons? Every time I hear "it's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife" I think of a gray field of thousands of creepy-assed spoons standing around staring at you while "The End" by the Doors is played off in some barn, clear enough for you to hear as if it was right beside you. Ten thousand spoons, that's a lot of spoons. It would have been easier to say, "it's like a drawer full of spoons when all you need is a knife", but even then it still wouldn't be ironic.

I'm not sure what's worse, getting shot in the head but being saved by your helmet or getting hit by a full can of Coors light at highway speeds while out on a ride. I suppose the lesson here, going by Charles' line of thinking, is that getting hit by a beer can may teach you how unsafe it is to ride on a road while others are out unsafely drinking and driving. The can of Coors light again opens the door to a whole bunch of easy jokes in an unfortunate situation.
Irony aside, just goes to show there is a lot of crazy shit going on in peoples' heads out there...
Good one Bike Lemming, there are a lot of nuts out there, you realize it in a car, but you really feel it on a bike. Of course, I'm not one of the Nuts.
I'm not one of the nuts either, hee hee ha ha ho ho...
The last place I want to see beer being thrown is at a cyclist, but I suppose the silver lining here is simply the fact that there is one less can of Coors in the world.
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