And frothing at the mouth he should be as this weekend I'll be enjoying Haywire Hefeweizen from Pyramid Breweries out of Seattle. I know, I know, I've really been stuck on the old Hefeweizens as of late right? I have, but it's because they are so dang good!
Their website mentions,
"Our deliciously deranged American-Style Hefeweizen is an award winning take on this Bavarian classic. This refreshingly unfiltered wheat ale delivers a distinctively smooth flavor worth sharing with friends."
Deliciously deranged? I knew there was a reason I liked it.

And speaking of deliciously deranged, check this non-lemming out. Chris Plesko, riding from Canada to Mexico on the Continental Divide, broke the singlespeed course record by over 4 days, turning in a time of 19 days for nearly 2800 miles. There are a lot of words to say about that, but incredible sums it up nicely. The Outside interview is spectacular in a lot of ways, done on a singlespeed sure, but averaging 147 miles a day off-road for 19 days is super human when you read about the snow and mud they encountered and fathom how much climbing was involved. The story did not mention if he had to wheelie the entire way. Maybe I'll try to get an interview with Chris or dig up a fictitious one if I can't. Anything you are dying to know?

Putting in that kind of mileage day to day he has to listen to some music right? Perhaps we'll never know, but I would. I think I'd have to listen to something such as Son Volt, kind of mellow, rock-a-billy-ish, sit back and cruise for hours on end.
Son Volt - Drown
Take a listen to that, let me know what you think, and let's do the picture roundup. I have to mention that pictures are sometimes my favorite parts of blog reading, even with all the great stuff that is out there, such as Heidi Swift's very entertaining So, Mr. Voeckler, We Meet Again entry the other day.

Well that wraps it up for this week. Give the bike some love this weekend and get me some pictures for next week. Have a good one out there and be safe.
Glad you like the photos...and Son Volt rocks! I saw them in concert 2 years ago.
Hey, I didn't get to this until Friday evening, beer in hand. No froth today.
You can stop apologizing... I was gonna forth on Fridays, with or without you!
Goood post
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