The lemming had a pretty good blog draught going, and honestly he was ok with that. There are even things waiting to be written, just general laziness is keeping them from coming to fruition. Last night he read the latest issue of Bicycling, and while I thought it would rile him up, it didn't, he just sat there peacefully afterwards.
Then today it hit him, the typical Active.com email spam that he receives, with a simple question, "What's wrong with racing in a speedo??"
The lemming says if you don't know, then no one can help you. There's something to be said about a blissful and innocent existence, running around in a banana hammock, totally unaware of the cries of children and shrieks from women. We salute you Mr. Age Group Triathlete Speedo Wearer!
Unfortunately, asking the question again and again in the same forum could be considered slightly tacky. Which, in that case, we'll have to rescind our salute because you are probably just trying to justify something that you already know the answer to.
Speedos are for competitive swimmers and creepy europhyles with too much gut and hair.
I cringe even more when there is a matching midrift involved.
There should be mirrors installed at these events so people can see how they look.
I don't get those tank-top/spedo things some guys use at tri events. They are wrong on so many levels I can't go into them all. It's like some euro-porn star riding a bike while soaking wet.
Okay, I'm giving myself the creaps just thinking about it.
I figure I already subject the world to spandex bike shorts and bright jerseys, usually purchased a size too large to give my belly a little hiding room. A Speedo? That would just be mean.
I like the belly hiding room. You guys are creeping me out, lots of images I don't need. :)
Racing in a speedo? I'd first have to understand why a man would wear that in the first place!
When you figure it out Ashley please let the rest of us know!
answer: only simply chafing.
Nick... "creepy Europhyle"?? Really...I guess in the 80s you'd have said they're for commies but now it's Europhyles...geez...how plebian.
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