A perfectly timed photo from PerfectlyTimedPhotos.com.
Rather than write a commentary on it, the lemming has decided to open it up to a caption contest. Winners of the contest will receive absolutely nothing, I don't have cool prizes like BikeSnobNYC does. I am working on a contest with prizes, but nothing so far.
A picture can say 1000s of words, especially as grimacing bystanders watch you smack your face on your own front tire. So here we go, what is your caption?
Rubber side down!
Hey Joe, this is really embarassing but you've got something on your face.
Prominent side knobs are great for cornering... and exfoliating.
Hey Tom, it really does taste like chicken.
After one too many beers, David decides to show everyone his newest trick.
Don't encourage him, Norman. He'll be pedaling with his tongue next.
Famous last words: "Hey y'all. Watch this!"
Okay, Barry, you win. So you can steer with your face.
Jealous of the attention Angus was giving to George, Larry resorts to desperate measures.
I wish I could come up with something funny but I'm too caught up wondering how you got a photo of my first ride!
Seriously not funny. The poor guy was injured and you're laughing at it. I'm apalled. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm kidding of course.
Is that a top tube in your shorts or are you just happy to see me?
Fresh off of a rest week, Joe rides the wheels off his bike.
"Wait! Your tire is flat! Maybe I can huff and puff some air into it this way!"
Taking "brown nosing" to a whole new level, Mike demonstrates "black nosing."
I love the smell of rubber in the morning.
Nice mrbill, great movie!
"When I said grab his wheel, I didn't mean... never mind..."
Does anybody have a kleenex?
'yeah, that's what I thought - it is dog shit!'
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