The other day I saw two rams butting heads (on TV), an obvious fight for supremacy and mating rights. I thought about how different the bike trail would be if mating rights were established by overtaking someone. There would be even less riding for fun and even more "training" because of the competition I suspect. Unfortunately, it's been established that taking ibuprofen does not "block the pain of competition", although subjectively the pain of competition may be having to watch others race in a speedo. The lemming can see taking anything available to try and relieve that pain.
But even with ibuprofen gone we still have power meters, and with them we can "eliminate wasted efforts" when we go out on a ride and that makes the lemming happy.
You'll have to pry my Ibufprofen out of my cold, unhealed, dead hands.
EPO will be the new Viagra.
Haven't you seen the GT Bikes "Catch and Release" commercials? On Youtube if not. My favorite is when he brings down the triathlete.
i'd comment but my hand is too swollen...
Screaming Monkey, ibuprofen may be able to help with that, unless it's swollen because you were trying to eliminate wasted efforts.
Steve A - have not, will go look now...
Rantwick - mine too
Richard - perhaps it already is?
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