Be happy with the bike you have, ride for fun, stop and help someone that has a flat tire, say hi to someone as you pass them, ask for permission to "draft", don't be a lemming...
Tips Agar Belajar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat
Sebagian orang mungkin ada yang menyesali kenapa dulu tidak Belajar Bahasa
Inggris, malas tidak mau pergi kursus Bahasa Inggris dan trauma dengan
(this week’s) Friday Dust Mite Blogging™
[image: Coffeehouse Mite]
Dust Mite stops at a Milwaukie Starbucks for some tea, a cookie bar, and
some low-key agitating in favor of a union.
Chasing the Moon
Strawberry Super Moon over Seattle
Maybe it started with the book, *Goodnight Moon,* which I remember reading
as a child but I have always been fascinated...
One of Our Nuclear Bombers Has Gone Missing
Avro Vulcan - Capable of Carrying a 21,000 Pound Bombload - or Nukes In
2016, I related how I was impressed when I saw an *Avro Vulcan flying at
the Edw...
Mondial - Nevertheless, She Persisted
I discovered Randonneuring back in 2006, and officially joined up in 2007.
It has been the best 12 bicycling years of my life. Many great rides, and
Day 30 of #ridingeverydayinNovember
Well, I successfully rode my bike outside for at least 5 miles every day in
November. The #ridingeverydayinNovember group started out with the most
The King, 2019
It would seem I'm quite willing to let the blog slide these days. However,
it would feel wrong not to post a picture of this Autumn's King; I have
been d...
Bikes Beat Metro in Copenhagen
*Originally published on April 4, 2014*
Like anyone interested in city life, we like to keep our eyes on the street
life of our city. Currently however, t...
Chapeau Events L2P 24hr Challenge
As a boy my grandmother and I often walked together on the headland around
Falmouth. Romantically she would gaze over the sea onto the distant horizon
Back at being back at it.
Having previously used the above image in this post as well as two before
that, it’s become clear I should never have it far from my finger tips.
It’s appl...
Work In Progress: The Winter Road
I have been reading books about Georgia O'Keeffe lately. I had a
fascination with her work and life way back when I was getting my
undergraduate degree in ...
new ride
It's been a while since I posted here. There's been little to report about
resurrecting the Colorado Rocky Mountain Bike Tour. I have registered to
ride RA...
Cycling to Coney Island!
After having cycled past the entrance to Coney Island countless times, I
finally went inside for a ride!
I usually ride around the PCN on my roadie commuter...
Coffeeneuring Challenge 2015
My coffeeneuring exploits for 2015 felt low key relative to previous years.
Not too much social interaction, only one beverage with high end latte art,
Kontak BBM Murah Bergaransi
*Kontak BBM Murah Bergaransi*
Kontak BBM Murah Bergaransi | How to connection both increased fuel
promptly to take notice of in liability conglomerate onl...
This is good bye and so long….
A week ago I received an email from Carlo T. quote:” Today, after a lot of
time, got on your blog again and found that there has been no new post in a
Home to Lecchi
Headed back home. Gonna ride bikes. Drink wine. Eat my heart out. Live
inGamba style for 7 perfect days. We’re gonna laugh so hard we cry. Gonna
make our l...
And we're going to the Chappell (Hill) of Pain
Lee had a sick note so it was the Old Firm (Me and Kevin) that hit the road
last Saturday on a cool, foggy morning, heading for adventure! Or at
least, Ch...
Farm Table Post
New Lights above the New Table, originally uploaded by Xvelo Designs. Long
awaited blog post about our farm table we built late last year for the
holiday. ...
The Brushy Creek Lake Park - a treat to ride
The Brushy Creek Lake Park is one of my favorite places to ride. It had
been awhile since I'd ridden here. It is possible to ride your bike to the
park but...
The Reve lives on
Dreams - everyone has them, I know I do! Some are impossible, some
attainable, some I don't even consider, just make excuses and create my own
obstacles. I...
The Project – The Work
Photographing and observing Richard for the year left Nick Czerula with
many options regarding what to include in this project. He selected photos
that wer...
Dealing with the Heat
This has been a long, hot summer (even by Houston standards)! We have had
very little rain this year, and temperatures started climbing into the 90's
To conclude the trip through the team, we are going to finish up with the
sponsors. These sponsors mostly have an affiliation with the team and we
are glad...
I Have To Admit, It's Getting Better
It's 6:30 on a cold and damp Saturday morning in February in Newberg,
Oregon. The forecast is for rain and temperatures in the mid-40s. And there
are at...
Back in the saddle!!!
So it's been god knows how long since my last blog, Mainly because it's
been a while since I have been able to go anywhere on my bike but now I'm
back fig...
Post apocolyptic description of spring.
There is a little known truth about Hugh Glass. He is a local hero here in
Wyoming, simply because he survived a winter in the wild. It isn't as wild
Mumbai -A Tale of Two Cities
This is my third trip to Mumbai in as many months and each time I come here
I am reaffirmed that the cruelty and despair depicted in* Slumdog
Shop Review: Wrench Science
Wrench Science 1022 Murray St. Berkeley, CA 94710 General Impressions:
Wrench Science is nothing at all like the last shop I reviewed (Recycle
Slim Pickens in the energy business
I love the Booner, but come on, doesn’t it make a tad more sense to have
the transmission lines in, or at least staged to be built, before you set
off on t...
I wonder if that works...
she is on a tether
which makes me think it is an idea that needs further development
Needing further development, or pulling a skier?
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