Bikes, beer, and music, three of my favorite things. Fortunately one doesn't have to sign up for an organized century, pay $65, and ride to the finish enduring Accelerade and witty remarks from motorists to enjoy them all in one place. So that's what Friday's are going to be about, I'll introduce some good music, highlight a favorite beer and showcase some great pictures I've found during the week while reading Friends of the Lemming. I'll need the help of anyone who can give it, email me at with your favorite beer or music ideas.
I was conversing with reader Nick the other day about the idea, and he had this to say,
"There is a local cycling team NorEast cycling, fairly large team. Sponsored by Smuttynose, a local brewery. The beer sucks.. imagine being sponsored by a brewery and being unable to choke down a single swig of their beer. Poor team NorEast cycling. Atleast that is how I feel everytime I attempt to drink one of their perfume enhanced choke fests."Being sponsored by a microbrew and not being able to drink it? Now that would be my personal hell...
Now that we've set the stage, let's get to it. This week I want to highlight a band I was turned on to awhile back, Anadies out of Colorado. It looks like from their site that they've disbanded, which is a damn shame. Their style reminds me of Evanescence and is pretty polished for a band that never hit the big time.
Take a listen, give it a chance, and tell me what you think. Regret by AnaDies
Let's move on to the beer I am going to be enjoying, and I invite you to join me.
The first time I tried Ayinger Celebrator Dopplebock a friend recommended it to me. Doing an organized ride of some sort the next day I thought it would be a great beer to drink while "tuning" up the bike. I should have known better than that as my last minute "tune-ups" usually result in disaster, long nights, and a poorly shifting bike the next day, without alcohol involved. The beer was good, so good that I didn't realize the 6.7% alcohol it was packing. While that may not seem like much to some, while you're just working away and replacing one as it's gone, it's A LOT. As a reprieve each bottle does come with a little goat tied to it via a string. As you enjoy each beer you can move the goat from the bottle to the handlebars and use the power of the mountain goat to get you up hills the next day, you'll need it.
As I was reading the Friends of the Lemming blogs this week I was introduced to a creative, witty and highly entertaining site mentioned on the Xvelo Design blog. The pictures below pretty much sum up what the entire site is about and it's worth any spare time you've got.
"If the "best years" of your life took place in high school, then, for your sake I hope you died tragically at nineteen."
"Number of people who think "Forrest Gump was a good movie" has an inverse relationship to the "Number of times they have been told, while out running, "Run, Forrest, run" by a complete stranger."
And lastly, on to the pictures. If I've got you showcased here and you don't want to be, just shoot me an email and I'll take you off. But for now, enjoy what others have been up to and have a great weekend.

I like that the beer has a little goat tied to it. Y'know its sort of like a Happy Meal toy for grown-ups.
Great idea,They are my fav things too,I look forward to fridays even more now. By pure coincidence I was reaquainted with pints of London Pride this week its very quaffable....and should be enjoyed with some others to ensure quality control
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